Membership fee
Rs.25/- (Rupees Twenty Five only) towards the Caution Money Deposit (Refundable) for 2 Borrowers Ticket will be collected from a member in all the following Libraries.
The main aim of having a separate Children’s Section is to foster the reading habit among the members of the younger generation. Children in the age group of 4 to 14 are admitted to this Section. More than 7000 children of various schools are making use of this Section by enrolling themselves as members. Books are selected according to the taste of the age groups, such as picture books, story books, travel, adventures, classic and books of elementary level. The Section works from 4.00 pm. to 7.00 pm. But on Saturdays and Sundays when schools have their weekly holidays and also during vacations this Section functions from 9.00 a.m. to 12.30 pm and 4.00 pm. To 7.00 pm.