About Romain Rolland Library | Official Website of Romain Rolland Library,Directorate of Art and Culture,Government of Puducherry, India.

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About Romain Rolland Library

Location Puducherry
Floors 2 Floors (Ground + 2 floors)
Collection 5 lakhs books
Visitors Perday 1000 Users at any time
Working Hours 8.00 AM to 08.00 PM

About Branch Libraries

Location Nos
Puducherry 54
Karaikal 1 SR.Ranganathan Public Library+18 Branch Libraries
Mahe 1 Public + 3 Branch libraies
Yanam 1 Public lib+ 2 Branch

Collection - 12000 books in each library

Visitors Per day - 100 Users at any time in each

Working Hours - 9.00 AM to 1.00 PM, 4.00 PM to 7.00PM

Back To Previous Page | Page last updated date: 25-06-2024

Conditions for Membership

Membership fee

Rs.25/- (Rupees Twenty Five only) towards the Caution Money Deposit (Refundable) for 2 Borrowers Ticket will be collected from a member in all the following Libraries.

Rare Book collection

This section is having a collection of old and rare books numbering about 15,000.. Scholars from all parts of the country and even from the distant lands in the West visit this Library to carry on their research work with the aid of its rare collection.